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PAM Group Clinic coverage United Kingdom

PAM Group Clinics

As well as our onsite and remote telephone services, we also operate a number of clinics throughout the UK. Our clinics allow clients to refer colleagues on an as-required basis. In relation to our wellbeing solutions this is ideal for growing businesses or for clients where there is need for a rapid response. The clinic solution is cost-effective as the client only pays for services used. Reports are sent back to our clients the day after the completion of a referral.

To book an appointment please call client services on 01925 227000​.                                                 

Our main regional clinic centres can be found at the following locations...

Birmingham Clinic - 01925 377 217


2 Cornwall Street


B3 2DX

Glasgow Clinic - 0141 428 3900

The Wheatsheaf, Speirs Wharf,

Glasgow, G4 9TJ

Oxford Clinic - 01925 377217

Oxford Clinic, Fire Station, Rewley Road,

Oxford, OX1 2EH

Blackburn Clinic - 01925 377 217

Welsyn House,

6 Richmond Terrace,

Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 7AT

Hull Clinic - 01302 230600

United House,

King George Dock, Hull, HU9 5PR

Southampton01925 377217

24 London Road,

Southampton, SO15 2YZ

Norwich Clinic - 01925 909109

Focus House, Jupiter Road, 

Norwich, NR6 6SU

Immingham Clinic - 01302 230600

Robinson Road,

Immingham Docks, DN40 2QJ

Folkestone Clinic - 01925 909109

Basepoint Business Centre,

Shearway Business Park, Folkestone,

Kent, CT19 4RH


Edinburgh Clinic - 0141 428 3900

Suite 112A, 112B, 112C, 112D, 112E 

Edinburgh Gyleview,

3 Redheughs Rigg

Edinburgh, EH12 9DG

Milton Keynes Clinic - 01925 909109

41 Burners Lane South, Kiln Farm,

Milton Keynes, MK11 3LT

Elgin - 

Part ground floor & 2 car parking spaces

35 Moray Street


IV30 1JH

Doncaster Clinic - 01925 377217

Tickhill Road Hospital,

Tickhill Road,

Doncaster, DN4 8QN

Warrington Clinic - 01925 227000

Holly House, 73 Sankey Street,

Warrington, WA1 1SL

Newcastle Clinic01925 377217

Ground Floor, Forth Banks House

Skinnerburn Road

Newcastle upon Tyne


We also provide access to local satellite clinics, as well as a national network of community-based specialists, consisting of more than 600 locations 


Our national team of mobile clinicians can also provide services at your place of work

occupational health clinic
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